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Types of Grow-pipes Best Suited for NFT Hydroponics in Trinidad & Tobago

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

The following article is based on results from several years of practical experience using NFT hydroponics in both Aquaponics and Hydroponics systems in T&T. All the photos that are featured are from our past projects and are all done locally. These systems are also applicable to all other countries throughout the Caribbean.

Intro: The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) for Hydroponic & Aquaponic crop production is one of the most efficient and cost effective systems utilized today. Internationally, it has been widely used by many commercial greenhouse growers with a high degree of success, as a result, it has been highly sorted out locally by numerous persons venturing into Hydroponics and Aquaponics production.

The increase in its popularity is further exacerbated by its efficiency at producing a variety of leafy greens such as lettuce and patchoi, coupled with the ease of access and relatively low cost of materials. Additionally, disinfection of the system is also relatively easy due to the absence of grow-media such as cocopeat, and the systems themselves are very modular and expandable allowing for ease of transition from small-scale to commercial production.

Fig.1. Hydroponics Plant Grow-rack built using 2x4 Channels

Fig.2. Hydroponic cucumbers grown in 2x4 Channels at our R & D Center

Fig.3. Hydroponic Research Systems at the UWI built using 2" PVC Pipes

As it pertains to system design and setup, a common question that often asked by many new persons venturing into Hydroponics/ Aquaponics is what type and size of grow pipes works best for NFT systems. Many persons will advocate for what worked for them, and that is fair enough as they are speaking from their own personal experiences and they give advice based on "if it worked for me then surely it will work for you". However, this can often times prove to be very confusing and misleading to newcomers as there are many grow pipe options that are available and utilized locally with some measure of success achieved. Additionally, most persons offering advice do so without any scientific background and knowledge about NFT systems.

The pictures featured throughout this article are from our past Hydroponics & Aquaponics projects and highlights the results of crops grown in 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch and 2x4 pipes utilizing proper system design principles and management plans. If you can tell the difference then great, if not then no worries, the bottom line is that they all work, however, each has their advantages and disadvantages based on the application (small scale vs large scale production) as well as crop type that can be successfully grown in them.

Fig.4. Cucumbers grown using 3" PVC Pipes in our demonstration Aquaponics System

Fig.5. Commercial lettuce production using 2" PVC Pipes at our R&D Center

As such, when choosing a suitable grow pipe one must first ask the question of whether or not the size of the grow pipe selected is suitable to accommodate the root mass of the intended crop. In addition to this one must also look at their investment capital as there might be a cheaper alternative to a grow pipe that can give comparable results. In some instances a cheaper alternative is available but often times comes with the need for increased management of the system so this must also be factored in as well.

Fig.6. Quality produce using 3" PVC in our Aquaponics System

The type of Grow-pipe best suited for your Hydroponics project would ultimately be based on three (3) key deciding factors - (1) System Design (2) Crop Type to be Grown and (3) Investment Capital

Fig.7. Chive grown in a 4" PVC system at our R&D Center

Fig.8. Kale grown Hydroponically in 2x4 Grow-channels at our R&D Center

If you are undecided as to what grow pipe type is best suited for your individual project, then feel free to contact us and we can help guide on making the right selection. In our opinion NFT systems are definitely worth the investment.

Contact: Tel: 1-868-466-2709, Email:

Author: Rakesh Bhukal (Cert., BSc., MSc.; PgCert, PhD candidate), Managing Director Aquatik Solutions

About the author: Mr. Bhukal is certified in Tropical Agriculture by the University of the West Indies and has advanced international training in the fields of Hydroponics, Aquaponics & Aquaculture. He is currently advancing the sustainability and feasibility of these climate smart farming technologies in the Caribbean by his ongoing PhD research. His experience in the field exceeds 10+ years and he has worked on numerous projects both locally and regionally. Currently he lectures on Tropical Aquaculture and Aquaponics (Aquaculture & Hydroponics) at The University of the West Indies as well as all courses, workshops & training programs offered by Aquatik Solutions.

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